Monthly Archives: October 2013

Tiny Pumpkin

Look at how tiny that pumpkin is! Happy Halloween from Cuddle Cthulhu and Myrcell.

Bright and Shiny Good Morning

I suppose it is now (barely) afternoon here, but that is beside the point. I’m still wishing you a darn good morning. =D Alas, I can wish all I want, but while my morning has been alright (full of toasted pumpkin seeds!), many people have had their days severely derailed by the storm that swept […]

Comic Con!

Hello again, friends. This Saturday I went to MCM London Comic Con and it was really awesome. I resisted buying anything too, which my bank account thinks is awesome. On the other hand, the less rational part of my brain is pouting that I didn’t walk away with a waist length, wavy mint-green wig. I […]

Apple Day!

Sunday was Apple Day at Borough Market. This means that on top of the usual deliciousness and hubbub of the market, there were tables full of apples, apple-y baked goods, and people in really cool costumes. Alas, none of my photos did justice to the people performing in awesome costumes. Naturally, I bought apples, and […]

Goats and other adventures

My apologies for the delay in posting. I will make up for it with several posts (but not quite in a row, because that would be obnoxious). First, my Saturday. Seeing goats for free on a roof garden? Check! Cuddle Cthulhu disapproving of skateboarders? Check! Several tables full of books that I ogled but resisted […]

Neil Gaiman!

Why yes, yes I did get to see Neil Gaiman. And he was pretty much as fabulous as you would expect. Tuesday night I went to see Neil Gaiman (and special guests) read his new children’s book Fortunately, The Milk. The illustrator, Chris Riddell was also there, and drew wonderful things as an accompaniment to […]

Cthulhu Invades Edinburgh


Rundown of the Week

Sorry for going so long without posting! I promise I’m trying to stick to a schedule of about every other day; it’s just been a rather busy week. Highlights include: Y’ALL I WAS IN THE SAME ROOM AS BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH AND HARRISON FORD ON TUESDAY. I may never post an all-caps sentence again, but the […]

Friday Class Reflections

(Decided to go for a double Saturday post to keep each post relatively topical. So if you’re more interested in either #citylis or Cuddle Cthulhu, feel free to pick and choose, even though I think it’s all interesting.) On Friday I had my second “first day” of classes, and thus officially finished my first week […]

Saturday Morning

Not to be confused with “Sunday Morning,” the Maroon 5 song. You know it has been a good morning when you get home and feel like you’ve done a full day – and it’s barely 1 in the afternoon. We got up early and went to the Borough Market. I think markets might be my […]