Category Uncategorized

Maleficent [spoilers ahoy!]

So I thought I’d take a leaf out of Kyle’s book and try my hand at reviewing a story (his blog is chock full of various spoilery things – ranging from Game of Thrones to Spiderman to Doctor Who – but if you like story critiques, you should probably check it out). I saw Maleficent […]

This is a post

Filler? This? Why I never! Okay, maybe a little. I’m sorry. Believe it or not, I had this open most of the day, but I wasn’t at my computer for most of the day. Funny how just leaving things open in the background does not actually lead to them getting done. This is a method […]

Good morning!

The sun is beautiful, and you are beautiful, and life is beautiful. Even though it’s Monday. In case you had any doubts. = ) (I’m sorry for the gap in posting and that this isn’t really a “real” post, and I promise I have tons of things in drafts, but I kept getting too busy […]

Happy Friday

Happy Friday, have an adorable pug on a billboard. Real posts forthcoming this weekend. =D


Good evening and hello =). It has been a little while since my last update, but it’s because I’ve been attempting to be a good student and focus on my first assignment for DITA. It may also have something to do with the fact that I have just discovered that “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is […]

Comic Con!

Hello again, friends. This Saturday I went to MCM London Comic Con and it was really awesome. I resisted buying anything too, which my bank account thinks is awesome. On the other hand, the less rational part of my brain is pouting that I didn’t walk away with a waist length, wavy mint-green wig. I […]

Apple Day!

Sunday was Apple Day at Borough Market. This means that on top of the usual deliciousness and hubbub of the market, there were tables full of apples, apple-y baked goods, and people in really cool costumes. Alas, none of my photos did justice to the people performing in awesome costumes. Naturally, I bought apples, and […]

Goats and other adventures

My apologies for the delay in posting. I will make up for it with several posts (but not quite in a row, because that would be obnoxious). First, my Saturday. Seeing goats for free on a roof garden? Check! Cuddle Cthulhu disapproving of skateboarders? Check! Several tables full of books that I ogled but resisted […]

Neil Gaiman!

Why yes, yes I did get to see Neil Gaiman. And he was pretty much as fabulous as you would expect. Tuesday night I went to see Neil Gaiman (and special guests) read his new children’s book Fortunately, The Milk. The illustrator, Chris Riddell was also there, and drew wonderful things as an accompaniment to […]

Cthulhu Invades Edinburgh